Conservation Easements
Preserving open spaces through private conservation for a cleaner, healthier environment
Habitat | Wilderness |Fresh Water | Clean Air | Farming | Public Parks | Recreation | Providing for Future Generations
R&D Tax Credits
Government credits to incentivize all types of innovation
R&D Tax Credits
Government credits to incentivize all types of innovation
Alternative Wealth Management
Private Offerings Access

Passive Income Generators, Tax Credits and Special Deductions
Generate passive income and utilize special tax offsets to mitigate tax liabilies
Passive activity generators and passive activity losses are a perfect pairing! Income from passive activities receive beneficial tax treatment as it is able to be offset by pass through deductions such as depreciation, depletion and tax credits.
Learn more about generating passive income and unique tax offsets that can be achieved.

Solar Tax Credits
Solar Tax Credits are some of the most powerful offsets to passive income as it is not a deduction, but rather a dollar per dollar payment of tax liabilities outstanding.
Solar programs also offer accelerated depreciation expenses and other benefits that create something that not just benefits the environment but also ones tax return.